AutoreYoun Michel
Titolo Le statut th?ologique de l'islam. Pour une approche chr?tienne
RivistaRevue Theologique de Louvain
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract The fact that Islam comes chronologically after the advent of Christ makes it difficult to approach this religion theologically. Christian theology of the history of salvation is often characterised by an ascending movement, structured by a logic of accomplishment: everything converges in Christ, in whom everything is recapitulated. Is it possible to speak of a single plan of salvation that encompasses Islam, a revelation that incorporates the Qur?an, or a messenger of God in the person of Muhammad as for the biblical prophets? What theological value can be ascribed to Islam from a Christian point of view? This article does not offer a description of the Muslim faith, its precepts or history. The main objective is to situate Islam theologically.