AutorePellarin Luca
TitoloFiloramo il contemporaneo. Scuola, teoria e metodo
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą e Interculturalitą
Parole Chiave
Abstract The aim of this paper is to provide a brief account of Giovanni Filoramo?s thought on contemporaneity. It will be examined through the canonical historical-genealogical point of view, highlighting, in particular, causes and outcomes of the ?transfiguration? which followed the publishing of Ipotesi Dio. Il divino come idea necessaria (2016). Drawing from the most recent publications ? always more attentive to the historical and theoretical trends of the last decades ? the author will try to demonstrate how Filoramo?s epistemology, after the (partial) abandonment of ?methodological agnosticism?, has move towards a form of ?strong hermeneutics?. ?Historical criticism?, ?comparativism?, ?religious history?, ?relative autonomy of religion? are just some of the themes and the key-concepts taken on in order to prove this idea. Most of all, the purpose of the essay is to stimulate a fruitful debate around the ever-changing and manifold identity of the ?Scuola di storia delle religioni di Torino?.