AutoreValera Luca
TitoloLa dimensi?n religiosa de la ecolog?a. La Ecolog?a Profunda como paradigma
RivistaTeologia y vida
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract The ecological issue lies at the heart of many contemporary debates and has recently been embraced within the realm of ?religion?, as the current ecological crisis questions our worldviews, obliging us to rethink our ?metaphysical position in the cosmos?. Among the other paradigms, N?ss's Deep Ecology seems to maintain a privileged position, since it has been able to emphasize with extreme clarity the religious foundations of such a perspective: the Buddhist worldview (the non-duality between the self and the world), the Gandhian Ethics (the principle of non-violence), and an immanent cosmology inspired by the philosophy of Spinoza (Deus sive Natura). For all these reasons, it will be interesting considering it as a ?privileged paradigm? in the link between ecology and religion.