AutoreAstori Elisabetta
TitoloGiorgio La Pira e i Colloqui mediterranei. Alle origini di una politica del dialogo (1957 - 1967)
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract The Mediterranean conversations were Giorgio La Pira?s great intuition. Between 1958 and 1961, the conversations got ahead with inter-religious dialogues among the big monotheisms that meet around the Mediterranean sea. These religions come from Isach, Ismael and Abraham. The Mediterranean sea, Lake Tiberias for La Pira, is a meeting and exchange sea from where peace must start. The dialogue must come true among the north coast, the European one, and the south coast. These are ex-colonies with a dream of rebirthing and ransom. Jerusalem, the holy city, is the center for these peace which has its roots in the discovery of what unites the free religions coming from Abraham. In Jerusalem the religions meet in order to pray as Massignon recalls. The conversations were four. A fifth one was never ended. They invited African, Asiatic and Europeans politicians and leaders to open a way for dialogue and for the building of bridges instead of walls. In this way La Pira opened the street to the inter-religious dialogue and showed an opportunity in substitution of the Cold War.