AutoreWright Timothy
TitoloThe dialogue of spirituality from ecclesiam suam to pope francis: A tree that has to become a forest
RivistaJournal of Dharma
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract The article critically examines the developments in Catholic-Muslim dialogue since the publication of Ecclesiam suam of Pope Paul, which inaugurated a new era of dialogue among Christian churches, religions and the world. The a. presents a dialogue of spirituality that could bring the two communities to come closer together. In a creative way he presents how Pope Paul VI sows seeds, Pope John Paul II cultivates the sapling into a tree, and Pope Benedict XVI prunes the tree, and he hopes that Pope Francis would revive the tree and enlarge it to a forest. Undivided love for one God and charity towards one's neighbour are the characteristic of both Islam and Christianity. Though there are differences of faith and worship, both Muslims and Christians can pray together and enhance Catholic-Muslim relations.