AutoreMichilli Adriana,  Breskaya Olga
TitoloInter-religious Dialogue and Religious Freedom: A Case Study on the Education System in Post-Conflict Bosnia
RivistaReligioni e società. Rivista di scienze sociali della religione.
Campo TematicoInterreligiosità
Parole Chiave
Abstract This article addresses why domestic laws and international policies on inter-religious dialogue, religious tolerance and religious freedom are not fully implemented within the Bosnian educational curriculum. Theoretical perspectives on religious freedom and inter-religious dialogue are presented as two normative discourses of post-conflict society emphasizing the importance of bridging two dimensions of religious freedom: religious pluralism and individual liberty. Concepts of inter-religious dialogue in national law are then defined, before identifying the international community’s local role in promoting these competences. We then close with a case-study evidencing the ongoing challenges in implementing religious freedom norms within the Bosnian school system.