AutoreBelli Margherita
TitoloPuò l'athéologie contrastare l'islamismo? Onfray e la riduzione a mito delle tre religioni monoteiste
RivistaRivista teologica di Lugano
Campo TematicoInterreligiosità
Parole Chiave
Abstract After Nietzsche proclaims God's death, Onfray engages himself in theorizing an athéologie as a science of God's non-existence. In accordance with the New Atheists, Onfray blames the three monotheistic religions as responsible for all kinds of violence in the world. From the Charlie Hebdo massacre onward, he attempts to counter Islamists by two means, namely, by an a-confessional reading of the Koran and by a contract between the French State and Islam. Both these means are based on Onfray's Traité d'athéologie, to which Onfray also adds some points borrowed from Zanaz and Frégosi. His anti-Islamist opposition, however, is bound to fail due to the theoretical weakness of the Traité d'athéologie. Since this treatise is affected by internal contradictions, it is not able to account for either the Koran a-confessional reading or the French-Islamic contract. The most effective of those contradictions is pointed out by Vattimo who reminds Onfray that God's death involves the dissolution of every rational truth, vanishing any form of agreement among men.