AutoreDelgado Mariano
TitoloAdolf Darlaps »Fundamentale Theologie der Heilsgeschichte« im Lichte eines »aufgeklärten« Inklusivismus
RivistaZeitschrift fur Katholische Theologie
Campo TematicoInterreligiosità
Parole Chiave
Abstract The article first summarizes, in the form of brief propositions, the religio-theological significance of Adolf Darlap's influential contribution in Mysterium salutis entitled »Fundamentale Theologie der Heilsgeschichte« [Fundamental Theology of Salvation History]. Darlap wants to rethink the theology of salvation history within the context of »trascendental« thinking and the fundamental categories of freedom and historicity. The article then advocates greater or deeper »reflectiveness« in view of the historical facticity of Christinity and argues for an enlightened, reflective inclusivism that, on the one hand, avoids the quasi-religious-studies posture of newer religio-theological approaches and, on the other hand, is not content »with the determination of the function of the other religions in the salvation history conceived by Christianity« (Hans Waldenfels). The article concludes with some reflections on »enlightened« inclusivism and mission.