AutoreVogels Walter
TitoloNatives and immigrants in Biblical Israel: Their Rights and Obligations
RivistaScience et Esprit
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Abstract The Bible affirms strongly the equality of all humans, all created in the image of God (Gn 1:26-27). In that one humanity there are, however, significant differences (Gn 10). Consequently, there are "natives", peolpe who belong to a particular ethnic group and nation, speak the same language, and live in the land of that group (Gn 10:5.20.31). There are thus Israelites and "others": those living outside Israel are "the nations" (goyim), while those living inside, can be "transients" (hakri), or more importantly for this study "immigrants" (ger), who live closest to the "natives". The Bible does not ignore the difference between the Israelites and the immigrants and reflects on the rights and obligations of both towards each other. Immigrants have to respect the culture of the host country, up to themselves to show how far they want to integrate in their new country. The natives must show respect for the immigrants, who sometimes need charity, always justice, and above all love without discrimination.