AutoreKumbu ki Kumbu ?leuth?re
TitoloLa r?velation extra-biblique apr?s Vatican II. Implications pour la mission de l'?glise en Afrique
RivistaRevue Theologique de Louvain
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą e Interculturalitą
Parole Chiave
Abstract Linked to the fundamental question of the uniqueness and the universality of the saving mediation of Jesus Christ is that of the complete and definitive nature of his revelation. This determines, in the Christian theology of religions, the way of envisaging the nature of extra-biblical revelation. After having brought to mind the classical positions, this article examines the convergences and divergences which can be found among various theologians since Vatican II. In conclusion the author brings out some implications for the mission of the Church in particular in Africa.