AutoreHock Klaus
TitoloKulturkontakt und interreligi?se Transkulturation. Religionwissenschaftliche und Missionwissenschaftliche Perspektiven
RivistaBerliner Theologische Zeitschrift
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract The discussion about transculturation and inter-religious encounters has consequences on a practical and tangible level: in the areas of mission and in the public perception of religiously motivated conflicts. It goes without saying that it is highly problematic to transfer discourses from the fields of theology or the study of religions into the field of cultural studies without reflecting on the notions of ?religion? and ?culture?. Thereby, the relation between religion and culture is a variable, and like culture, religion cannot be depicted in essentialist categories. By dealing with the relation between culture and religion, we must also pay attention to the phenomenon of ?religious encounters?. In view of these questions, the Research Training Group on ?Cultural Encounters and the Discourses of Scholarship? at the University of Rostock focuses on the dimensions of ?space?,?time?,?context?, ?performance? and ?representation?.