AutoreReiss Wolfram,  Zumbrink Pia
TitoloWie sehen die Religionen sich gegenseitig in ihren Schulb?chern? Das Islambild evangelischer un katholischer Schulb?chern der Bundrsrepublik Deutschland
RivistaBerliner Theologische Zeitschrift
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract The events of the 11 September 2001 have caused tensions in the relationship between the Islamic cultural sphere and the western world. Questions of mutual perception have become again more revelant. Also the problem of how German textbooks deal with Islamic religion and culture is gaining in importance. This article analyses textbooks of religious education (Protestant and Catholic) published between 1995 and 2002. Whereas former analyses from the 1980s had still revealed considerable deficits in the treatment of Islam, today the view is much more differentiated. The analysed textbooks generally offer an well-balanced and adequate presentation of the Islamic religion and culture. Nevertheless, there are still existing shortcomings, such as inaccuracies, but also interpretations of Islamic religious principles, which differ from the Islamic self-image. Furthermore, the textbooks do not sufficiently reflect the social and religious plurality of the Muslim population in today's Germany.