AutoreSuess  Paulo
TitoloFrancisco Xavier: 500 anos de desafio com o di?logo inter-religioso
RivistaPerspectiva teologica
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract The article points out the contradiction of 1500s' mission between the geographic universality and salvific exclusivism. The person who represents this contradiction, Francis Xavier, whom we recently celebrated the birth's fifth century, in 1927, with Little Therese of Jesus, was declared the patron saint of Catholic missions. Saint Francis' unambitiousness was radical and prudent. He never tried to hold on his work, to rest upon the glories conquered. His heart was where his feet had walked and his arms multiplied. Asia's political constellation did not allow Saint Francis to establish roots of a new Christendom. In India and Japan, where he developed his mission ad gentes, Catholicism has a numerically insignificant role until our days. The importance of his missionary work does not remain in the number of the baptized, but in the quality of his testimony. And this testimony is still present among kirishitan (Christians) who for more than twoo hundred years lived their faith in Japan under martyrdom and on clandestinity causing surprise to the nineteen century's missionaries.