AutoreKarami  Leila
TitoloLa giustizia di genere: trasformazioni di senso nell?Islam
RivistaRicerche teologiche
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract The article intends to deal with the condition of the woman, or ? to be more exact ? with the tension about the womanly question in the Muslim context. It starts from a reading of the sacred text (Koran and had?th), and proceeds to compare the dogmatic and patriarchal interpretation ? with its poor consideration of contemporary reality and of Muslim's aspirations ? with a pluralistic interpretation, that leans on the values of democracy and human rights, inculding also the equality between men and women. As the article demonstrates, both the readings lean on justice and equality, recognized as intrinsic Islamic values. On the one hand, the inequality between man and woman represented a ?principle? for the authors of classical text of the fiqh, and the notion of genre was restricted to two main concepts: marriage/divorce and veil/segre-gation. On the other hand, the contemporary debate about the ?status of the woman according to the Islam? elaborates a perspective of genre that believes in the balance of the relationship between man and woman. It also tends to build the equality in the light of the Koranic verses, by appealing to the Islam in its origins, in order to project the divine justice on the socio-cultural and juridical aspects, and on the human rights.