AutoreCatalano Roberto
TitoloIl Buddhismo in India nell?epoca attuale. II. Il Navayana come movimento
RivistaNuova umanitą
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract This second part of the study, of navayana buddhism begins by looking at the conversion of many dalits to buddhism. It draws out the reference points for this conversion and considers its social implications. Then it looks at this new form of Buddhism and its specific characteristics, its development and its challenges. A complex evaluation of navayana makes it clear that it is something new, and relatively unknown, within Buddism. At the same time, the article underlines that the seventy year following the conversion of Ambedkar have not been without problems, particulary of a social nature. The founding of this new ?vehicle? of buddhism has not, it would seem, yet archived what was hoped for in terms of giving back dignity to millions of men and women. It remains, nonetheless, an extremely important religious and social phenomenon and as such deserves further study as it develops.