AutoreCaltagirone  Calogero
TitoloLa ?vera religione? nella teologia delle religioni. Lo stato della questione
RivistaRicerche teologiche
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract In the sphere of the theology of the religions, the subject of truth either turns out to be absent or runs in parallel to themes belonging to theological reflection on religions, or else it is correlative to specific fields of theological enquiry. However, even if the sciences of religions and the different currents of theology of the religions avoid the question of ?truth?, having recourse to functionalist explanations of religion, it is obvious that neither at the philosophical nor at the theological level is it possible to prescind from the question of truth in the study of the religions. Since the question of ?truth? is unavoidable if we wish to avoid the danger of religious syncretism, in this contribution there an attempt to situate the status quaestionis about the theme of the ?truth? within the theology of the religions in correlation with some alternative suggestions for responding to the question and in connection with the philosophical presuppositions which are constituted as the comprehensive horizon of the problem of truth.