AutoreFuss Michael
TitoloListen to what the Spirit tells the communities
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract Contemporary culture, and even counter-culture has generated new types of religious experience, as diverse as the secular New Age and many successful renewal movements of the Pentecostal and charismatic type in the Churches. Besides the established ecumenical, interreligious, or simply cultural dialogue new forms of theological encounter have to be proposed with regard to this universe of 'new religious movements'. This paper attempts to disclose a common basis of such spiritual creativity in popular religiousness and to detect surprisingly the openess of those theological notions which generally are quoted in support of the full subsistence of the foundation of Christ in the Catholic Church. Thus 'Churches of a new type' (W.Kasper) and 'religions of a new type' stand to each other in reciprocal relationship and invite the Church to invoke a new Pentecostality, the ever renewing presence of the Spirit of Christ.