AutoreZannini Francesco
TitoloNoi e l'islam. Dalla storia al presente
RivistaAd gentes
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract From St.Francis, through Cusa and Marracci and until the twentieth century, Italy has had a long tradition of dialogue with the Islamic world. Nevertheless, the recent phenomenon of immigration in our country has produced a widespread attitude of intolerance. The Italian Church itself does not seem to have addressed the issue of dialogue with Muslims in an appropriate manner. Only recently, the increased demand for rights by Muslims, the growing number of mixed marriages and the increase in the presence of Muslim children in schools have created a greater interest and debate among Christians. On the other hand, the Church in Italy had not any experience in this field, in comparison with other European nations. For this reason, the statements of the Catholic hierarchy have been in some way uncertain and have led to the drafting of sometimes conflicting documents. At a civil level, a major step in the direction of intercultural and interreligious dialogue with the Islamic world has been made with the enactment of the Charter of Values of Citizenship and Integration. Undoubtedly, the main problem is the lack of a basic understanding of Islam by many Italians, whether lay or believers.