AutoreSabetta  Gaetano
TitoloIl padre della teologia indiana:Brahmabandhav Upadhyay
RivistaRicerche teologiche
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract Brahmabāndhav Upādhyāy is considered to be 'the father of the Indian teology'. For the first time, a Hindu-Christian, in a Hindu environment, elaborated a Christian systematic theological thought. His human trajectory makes him an often-uncomfortable figure, always between two worlds, yet able to incarnate challenges and contradictions running througt a fundamental period of the Indian history: the 'Hindu Renaissance'. After hundred years from his death - seeing his enormous contribution and his influence on the future scholars - it is urgent to discover such a crucial and often ignored figure. The meeting with Upādhyāy will follow three main features: his historical background in the context of his historical period, his theological contribution, and his possible heritage.