AutoreH?nermann Peter
TitoloQuo vadis? Au sujet de l'importance du concile Vatican II pour l'?glise, l'?cum?nisme et la soci?t? aujourd'hui
RivistaRecherches de Science Religieuse
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract Fifty years after the beginning of Vatican II, intellectual discussion of the council and its texts continues apace, with a great diversity of approaches and, most especially a debate about its fundamental evaluation and its importance. Within this framework, the question of how to evaluate the Vatican II statements in light of taught truth and the obligatory character of the documents that it produced. The author of the present article, a participant in the great Herder commentary, has asked the question of the status of the discourse contained in the conciliar texts. The fifth volume of this commentary proposes a key, by defining the Vatican II corpus as a ?constitutional text of faith?. As such, it possesses an obligatorily magisterial character, but also remains fundamentally open, dependent upon its concrete implementation in the believing praxis of God?s people, of ecclesial governance, of theologico-canonic work and of the formulation of rules.